How to Get Your Agency and Clients Featured in Ginormous Publications

Looking for a way to impress your friends and family?

Okay, maybe you’re looking for a way to increase your agency's credibility and raise awareness of your clients’ brands?

Look no further than features in high-profile publications. And they’re not as hard to land as you may think.

In this article, I will walk you through how to not only earn features but also how to leverage them. Let’s dive in!

The Value of High-Profile Publications

Features in high-profile publications have a wealth of benefits for agencies and their clients. Let’s explore.

They Land New Business

Features in big publications gain instant awareness and establish instant credibility. This is the kind of strategy that converts quickly.

They Bring in a Ton of Traffic

With high-profile publications ranking well in search engines, you gain a lot of traffic from your feature to your website. Not to mention, these publications have a lot of subscribers.

They Enhance Thought Leadership

Data shows that brands will pay more for an agency with expertise in their industry than a more broad, full-service agency. Features in large publications are a great way to showcase your expertise.

They Have SEO Value

Because these publications have such high Domain Authorities, the link you get to your agency can really help with SEO. You can even choose your anchor text if you want to rank for certain keywords.

They Establish Credibility

When consumers find a product or service on their own, they convert more. So, instead of cold emails and PPC ads, try a feature in a high-profile publication as it establishes instant credibility.

They Can Help You Capture Information About Your Audience

If you have something gated with a lead capture form like a lead magnet, be sure to link to it in your features in big publications. This will direct them to your asset and fill out your lead capture form.

They Can Be Leveraged to Impress

When you earn a feature in a large publication, you can leverage it to get even more value out of it. When working a lead, you can always send them a link to your feature to impress them and increase the likelihood of becoming a client. 

Identifying the Right Publications

The right publications for your agency and/or your clients will depend on the niche.

Some publications are super broad like Entrepreneur and Forbes. While other publications focus on wellness, science, tech, etc.

Consult your buyer personas to identify the publication and messaging that will resonate with your target audience.

Always Keep Thought Leadership in Mind

Whether you are writing your own feature or you hire someone to do it (ahem, me), be sure that your features are thought leadership not a sales pitch.

One strong way to resonate with your audience is to identify pain points that your agency or your client’s company solves and write content about how your company solves those pain points.

Another way to ensure thought leadership is to embrace a niche service or industry and create a lot of content around your expertise.

Leveraging Your Earned Features

Obviously you will get a lot of organic traffic and traction from these articles. However, there are a few ways you can leverage your articles in large publications. Things like:

  • Utilize the feature in your email marketing

  • Share it on social

  • Provide it to a client who is hesitant to come on board

  • List it on your website under “press”

Final Thoughts: I Want to Feature My Agency and My Clients in High-Profile Publications!

There are a few ways to go about earning features for your agency and your clients. You can go to their websites and pitch your content but it’s rarely accepted by large publications.

Your best bet is to partner with someone who has access to these publications…

With featuring agencies and their clients in high-profile publications being one of my most popular services, I have a list of over 200 large publications that I write for. So if you need help identifying the right publications and getting content placed in them, I’m your girl and you can get in touch with me here.

Has your agency been featured in any high-profile publications? I’d love to see the link in the comments below!


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