Agency Leaders Spotlight

As an agency leader, you know the value of thought leadership.

You’re also likely spending a ton of time doing incredible work for your clients and don’t have much time left to do thought leadership initiatives. That’s where The Campfire Circle comes in, as we are an agency for agencies.

I have the connections to get agencies in front of brands in myriad ways. So, I put together a thought leadership program for agency leaders.

Want to hear all about it?

What Is Agency Leaders Spotlight?

Agency Leaders Spotlight is a section on my website where I feature leaders from agencies in interviews. Each interview gets its own landing page that agencies can leverage and that I use to get you in front of a ton of brands.

This program supercharges your thought leadership presence and all you have to do is answer some questions and leave the rest up to me.

What Are The Benefits of The Agency Leaders Spotlight?

Since the interviews are published on their own landing page, I use the landing page as my “hub” to promote each interview. Wondering what’s included in this package?

  • Your own landing page with your interview to leverage

  • I will pull a quote from your interview and use it in a Forbes article with a link to your agency

  • A feature in Brainz Magazine

  • I email each interview to my extensive list of brands

  • I share these interviews all over social media

  • I link to your interview in other publications

How Do I Take Advantage of The Agency Leaders Spotlight?

Sounds enticing, doesn’t it? With all of these ways that I feature you as a thought leader, your digital presence will take off. After all, brands prefer expertise, and if they see you as a thought leader in your industry, they’ll be way more likely to choose your agency. 

If you want to be featured in The Agency Leaders Spotlight package that I just outlined, I am offering the full package for only $500. If you want to take advantage of this fantastic opportunity, simply email me at to let me know you want to be featured!

Do you consider yourself a thought leader? I’d love to read all about your expertise in the comments below!


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