How to Generate More Qualified Leads For Your Agency With Lead Magnets

Agencies are fueled by leads. Do you need more fuel for your fire?

If you’re like most agencies, your priority is to keep your current clients happy and run strategic campaigns for their business. But what about your business? Often, busy client work means that generating leads and, ultimately, new clients sometimes falls to the back burner for agencies.

Many agency owners are also salespeople. But instead of cold calling and reaching out to brands you want to work with, wouldn’t it be great if the leads come to you?

By leveraging lead magnets, you can generate more qualified leads for your agency.

In this guide, we will go over everything you need to know about growing your agency with lead magnets.

It All Starts With Lead Magnets

A lead magnet is simply a landing page that offers something of value. What you provide needs to be strong enough that people are willing to provide their email addresses to access your offering.

Lead magnets act as a lead gen hub as there are a plethora of promotional strategies to get more traffic to your lead magnets which we will dive into in a moment.

Your lead magnet should be professionally designed, as this type of landing page is often the first impression your target audience has about your agency. And, of course, you need a lead capture form on the landing page. Be strategic with your lead capture form as you want to get the necessary information, but you also don’t want to have too many fields that your audience abandons filling out the form.

Your lead magnet should be unique and full of thought leadership. It should also be geared to a specific audience as the simple act of filling out your lead capture form self-identifies a visitor as a lead as they’re obviously interested in your resource.

Different Types of Lead Magnets For Agencies

There are so many forms that lead magnets can take. Experiment with different types as people digest information in different ways.

Webinars: Pick a topic for a webinar that solves a pain point of your target audience so that by signing up, they’re showing an affinity for your agency. Line up and schedule your webinar and create a landing page for it. You or someone from your agency should present during the webinar to capitalize on thought leadership. Bonus points if you can get a client to present with you to offer social proof of your services. 

eBooks: eBooks are long-form content that educates your target audience. They should be more thorough than a blog post, and the topic should line up with your agency’s strengths. Sometimes agencies repurpose their most popular blog posts and turn them into an eBook.

Industry Reports: Gathering and publishing industry data is one of the strongest lead magnets that an agency can publish. People love new data, and agencies that publish new data are automatically looked at as reputable sources. Simply survey members of your industry and turn your findings into a report.

Free Consultation or Brand Audit: Consultations and audits are great ways to engage with warm leads. Offering brands free advice makes you trustworthy and valuable, which will convert brands when they are ready.

Worksheets: Things like marketing campaign worksheets, checklists and templates require some help from a designer but generate a lot of leads. With this type of lead magnet, your goal is to provide a valuable resource that keeps your agency top-of-mind.

Video Tutorial: With 84% of people wanting to learn about something through video, a video tutorial or series of videos make great lead magnets. Not to mention, videos add a humanized element to your agency, making brands more likely to convert when they’re ready.

Email Courses: For those who like to learn in easy-to-digest formats, creating an email course for brands is a great way to generate leads for your agency. You can set up your course so that registrants start getting dripped educational content once per day, with the final email being a light sales pitch to book a consultation with your agency.

Identifying What Will Resonate With Your Target Audience

Lead magnets for agencies are obviously geared toward brands. So identify the types of brands you want to target and content that resonates with them so that the leads generated are qualified. Here are a few things to identify before creating your next lead magnet:

  • Determine which industries your agency is strongest in

  • What are some common pain points that your target audience experiences?

  • Look at social posts and blog posts that performed best in the past

  • Determine what makes your agency unique from your competitors

  • What information does your target audience ask for when choosing an agency?

Promoting Your Lead Magnets

Creating a great lead magnet should make up half of your efforts. The other half of your time should be spent on promoting it heavily. The more traffic your lead magnet gets, the more leads you will generate.

Here are some strong promotional strategies to get you started:

  • Guest post on publications that your target audience follows and link to your lead magnet

  • Promote it through organic and paid social

  • Email it out to all of your contacts

  • Sponsor an email blast from a like-minded third party

  • Purchase newsletter inserts promoting your lead magnet

  • Partner with relevant influencers and have them share your lead magnet with their audience

  • Place banner ads on websites that appeal to the audience you are targeting 

  • Put social share buttons on your landing page to make it easy for people to share

  • Implement digital PR by reaching out to industry publications and asking them to share your lead magnet

I know it sounds like a lot of work, but all of these promotional strategies are crucial to get the most value out of your lead magnet.

Final Thoughts: I Want to Get Started With Lead Magnets!

Keeping your current clients happy while landing new clients is a lot of work.

Lead magnets are crucial to agency growth but don’t forget to nurture the leads you generate with a strategic email marketing drip campaign.

After you publish and promote your first lead magnet, you’ll get the hang of the process to keep implementing this strategy.

If this all sounds like an overwhelming amount of work, I created The Campfire Circle to help agencies grow and am taking on new clients, so be sure to reach out for a free consultation here.


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